<![CDATA[Shields Township, Illinois - • Board Meetings]]>Tue, 28 Jan 2025 21:08:24 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[January Regular Board meeting agenda]]>Thu, 09 Jan 2025 06:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/january-regular-board-meeting-agendaNotice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Thursday, January 16, 2025, has been rescheduled. The Township Board will convene on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 5:00p.m., at the Shields Township Offices located at 906 Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL. 60044.
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Notice of Rescheduled Meeting of
the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Thursday, January 16, 2025, has been rescheduled. The Township Board will convene on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 5:00p.m., at the Shields Township Offices located at 906 Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL. 60044, for the purpose of considering the following agenda:
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Bills
  4. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  5. Reports
  1. Supervisor
  2. Trustees
  3. Assessor's Office
  4. Community Service Committee
  5. Road & Bridge Committee
  1. Old Business  
  2. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2024
  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjournment
Serving our communities since 1850
<![CDATA[2025 Board Meeting Schedule]]>Fri, 27 Dec 2024 18:52:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/2025-board-meeting-scheduleRegular Township Board Meetings will be held at 5 p.m. on the third Thursday of every
month except March and June which will be held on the second Thursday of the
The following dates do not conflict with any observed Holidays.

​Meeting time 5:00 p.m.

January 16th
February 20th
March 13th
April 17th
May 15th
June 12th
July 17th
August 21st
September 18th
October 16th
November 20th
December 18th
<![CDATA[December regular board meeting]]>Mon, 16 Dec 2024 06:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/december-board-meeting-is-cancelled Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 2024, has been rescheduled. The Township Board will convene on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 5:30p.m., at the Shields Township Offices located at 906 Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL. 60044, for the purpose of considering the following agenda:
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Notice of Rescheduled Meeting of
the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees scheduled for Thursday, December 12, 2024, has been rescheduled. The Township Board will convene on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 5:30p.m., at the Shields Township Offices located at 906 Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL. 60044, for the purpose of considering the following agenda:
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Bills
  4. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  5. Reports
  1. Supervisor
  2. Trustees
  3. Assessor's Office
  4. Community Service Committee
  5. Road & Bridge Committee
  1. Old Business
  1. Approval of 2025 Health Insurance and Ancillary Benefits for Full-Time Staff
  2. Approval of Ordinance NO. 121624-01, An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate and Road Purposes for Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois, for Tax year 2024        
  1. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2024
  2. Approval of Decennial Meeting minutes of November 14, 2024
  3. Approval of 2025 Township Board Meeting Dates and Time
  4. Approval of 2025 Township Holiday Closures
  5. Consideration of Committee Chair and Member Appointments
  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjournment


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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Monday December 16th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
LAKE COUNTY          )           ss.

THE TOWN BOARD OF SHIELDS TOWNSHIP held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Monday December 16th, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
                        Vanessa Grum                       Clerk
Jeff Urso                                 Supervisor
Michael Machnicki                  Town Trustee
Brady Andersen                      Town Trustee
Lisette Rothing                        Deputy Clerk
Matt Garrity                             Town Trustee
David Weil                               Town Trustee
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call – Supervisor Urso called the meeting to order at 5:33 pm. Clerk Grum took roll call; Trustee Andersen, Trustee Machnicki and Supervisor Urso were present. Trustee Garrity, Trustee Weil and Deputy Clerk Lisette Rothing were absent. Also in attendance was Administrator Carl Kitzerow, Counselman Kimzey, and Clerk Grum.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance – Supervisor Urso opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:34 pm.
  3. Approval of Bills
    1. Town Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Town Fund expenses in the amount of $77,298.16. Trustee Machnicki motioned and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.       
    2. GA Fund: The General Assistance fund expenses totaled $0.
    3. Road and Bridge Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Road and Bridge Fund expenses in the amount of $161,454.68. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.
  4. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker:
    1. Jan Schnobrich: At 5:36 pm. Janice Schnobrich states that the board hired a part-time road commissioner under the pressure of Supervisor Urso. She shares her concern about the employment decisions of the supervisor and the board.
    2. Dr. Kathy Blahunka: At 5:38 pm, Dr. Blahunka stated that she would like to remind this board that bullying is not a welcome tactic and she hopes that we are not intending on bullying anyone with the box of FOIA’s on the table. She states that they have not over requested FOIA’s and are well within their rights. She adds that the firewall doesn’t have LED light on it.
  5. Reports:
  1. Supervisor Report: Supervisor Urso states that IRMF is a state mandated law for every employee and that the employee in question during Ms. Schnobrich’s comment did not actually use the Township credit card to support a friend’s campaign. Supervisor Urso introduces Constantine who is presenting about our IT services and answer the question raised from the last township meeting about what is backed up into the cloud. Constantine spoke about what does for our Township stating that he got involved in Shields Township back in 2022 because there were persistent internet outages, there was an old server and the Wi-Fi was spotty. His task was to evaluate the current IT structure and offer solutions for improvement. He looked at old equipment and determined that it was outdated. There was no one monitoring it. He stated that he had to put a proper threat management gateway so that we can monitor the safety of IT services and eliminate the failing server; the data on the server was confidential information and was put on the cloud which means that we had to protect it from the whole world. Another goal was to offer timely helpdesk services to representatives of the Township. Supervisor Urso asks Constantine questions:
    1. Supervisor Urso: How long have you been doing IT? Constantine responds: 20 years.
    2. Supervisor Urso: Prior to coming to Shields, do you feel we were secure? Constantine responds: No. We had to update software and hardware and our response to cyber security threats. He presented a report regarding data breaches in 2024.
    3. Trustee Machnicki asks: Is this log a representation of blocked data breach attempts? Constantine responds: Yes, this is a snapshot, just a small portion and its 19 events per hour.
    4. Carl Kitzerow adds that Constantine is available on call, so we need him to help get out of our issues.
    5. Supervisor Urso explains that he did comparisons of surrounding Townships to determine how much money they are spending on IT Services. The determination was that we are paying far less than Vernon Hills Township, Waukegan Township, and Libertyville Township.
    6. Carl Kitzerow adds that we are paying $6,000 a year on IT services and this is far less than most surrounding Townships.
  2. Trustees Report: None.
  3. Assessor's Office Report: None.
  4. Community Service Committee Report: None.
  5. Road & Bridge Committee Report: None.
*Supervisor Urso motions to move item 7 (New Business) ahead of item 6 (Old Business) on the agenda. Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all are in favor. Motion passes and the agenda is amended. Meeting continues as per below in the new order.
  1. New Business:
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of November 14, 2024: Supervisor Urso moves to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of the Shields Township Board of Trustees from November 14th, 2024. Trustee Machnicki motions to approve and Trustee Andersen seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll and all approve. Motion passes.
  2. Approval of Decennial Meeting minutes of November 14, 2024: Supervisor Urso moves to approve the Decennial Meeting Minutes from November 14th, 2024. Trustee Machnicki motions to approve and Trustee Andersen seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll and all approve. Motion passes.
  3. Approval of 2025 Township Board Meeting Dates and Time: Supervisor Urso explains some notable changes to the schedule for Township Board Meetings in 2025 including the switch to a 5 pm start time and changing March 20th to March 13th due to the Spring Break conflict. For the rest of the meeting dates, see the posted document. Trustee Andersen motions to approve the meeting dates and Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all approve. Motion passes.
  4. Approval of 2025 Township Holiday Closures: Supervisor Urso advises the board to view the document that shows the holidays closures. This is the same as last year; there are no changes. Supervisor Urso moves to approve, Trustee Andersen motions and Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. There is no discussion. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all approve.
  5. Consideration of Committee Chair and Member Appointments: Supervisor Urso explains that the Township Supervisor appoints Committee Chairs. He states that the Community Service Committee Chair did not attend a meeting and there was no one here to present information. This could have impacted the grants that the Township offers. Urso has spoken to Alderman Evans who is very passionate about the food pantry about his interest in fulfilling this role. Supervisor Urso announces he will remove Kathy Blahunka from the role of Community Service Committee Chair and appoint Alderman Evans in her place to fulfill this role stating that he believes Mr. Evans will bring a valuable voice to the committee. Supervisor Urso motions to approve this appointment and Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. Alderman Carl Evans is now the chair of the Community Service Committee for Shields Township.
  1. Old Business
  1. Approval of 2025 Health Insurance and Ancillary Benefits for Full-Time Staff: Supervisor Urso explains that, per Township policy, we need to approve this motion to keep the health benefits offered to full-time staff the same for 2025. Trustee Andersen motions to approve and Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll call, all approve and the motion passes.
  2. Approval of Ordinance NO. 121624-01, An Ordinance Levying Taxes for all Corporate and Road Purposes for Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois, for Tax year 2024: Supervisor Urso announces that he is seeking a motion to approve the ordinance NO. 121624-01 which states that the sum of $1,543,266.73 be levied upon all property subject to taxation within Shields Township for such purposes as follows:
    1. Total General Township Corporate Fund in the amount of $1,038,266.73.
    2. Total IMRF Fund in the amount of $5,000.
    3. Total General Road & Bridge Fund in the amount of $500,000.
*Supervisor Urso discussed via speaker phone with Kathryn the accountant that the percentage is the same as the last two years at 4.99 percent which is right below 5 percent which keeps up from going through other steps. She confirmed that this is the key number to maximize potential value in the Township. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve; Trustee Andersen seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all approve. Motion is approved.
  1. Executive Session: None.
  2. Adjournment: At 6:04 pm, Supervisor Urso moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Machnicki motioned to adjourn, and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. All in favor said “I” and the meeting was adjourned.
Serving our communities since 1850
<![CDATA[Shields Township officers electoral board]]>Mon, 09 Dec 2024 06:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/shields-township-officers-electoral-boardNotice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Shields Township Officers Electoral Board has been set for Monday, December 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Shields Township Offices, 906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044, for the purpose of hearing and passing upon objections to the nomination papers of candidates running for election to the Offices of Township Supervisor and Township Trustee for Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois, in the Consolidated General Election to be held on April 1, 2025. All persons who are interested are invited to attend the Public Hearing. This Public Hearing may be continued to a further time, date, and place, without further notice being given, except as required by law. 
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Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Shields Township Officers Electoral Board has been set for Monday, December 9, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., at the Shields Township Offices, 906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044, for the purpose of hearing and passing upon objections to the nomination papers of candidates running for election to the Offices of Township Supervisor and Township Trustee for Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois, in the Consolidated General Election to be held on April 1, 2025. All persons who are interested are invited to attend the Public Hearing. This Public Hearing may be continued to a further time, date, and place, without further notice being given, except as required by law.
  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Introductory Remarks by Board Chairman
  4. Approval Of Rules
  5. Cases to Be Heard (Marking and Acceptance of Board Exhibits):
  1. Case No. 2024-001
  2. Case No. 2024-002
  3. Case No. 2024-003
  4. Case No. 2024-004
  5. Case No. 2024-005
  1. Motions and Stipulations
  2. Hearings (If Necessary)
  3. Issuance of Decisions (If Necessary)
  4. Scheduling Orders
  5. Public Comment
  6. Recess/Adjournment
Posted this 7th day December, 2024, by the Township Officers Electoral Board of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois, at or before 5:00 p.m.
<![CDATA[Decennial Committee Meeting]]>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 06:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/decennial-committee-meeting-agendaNotice is hereby given that a Decennial Meeting will be held on Thursday November 14, 2024, prior to the Regular Board Meeting Located at the Shields Township Offices 906 Muir Avenue Lake Bluff, IL. 
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Notice of Meeting of Shields Township Decennial Committee
Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Shields Township Decennial Committee has been scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., at the Shields Township Offices, 906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044, for the purpose of considering the following agenda:
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  1. Presentation of Committee Report
  1. Approval of Committee Report
  1. Survey of Residents in Attendance
  1. Adjournment

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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Shields Township Decennial Committee Meeting
Thursday November 14th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

LAKE COUNTY      )          ss.

THE TOWN BOARD OF SHIELDS TOWNSHIP held its Decennial Committee Meeting on Thursday November 14th, 2024 at 5:30 pm.
                        Vanessa Grum                     Township Clerk
                        Lisette Rothing                     Deputy Clerk
Jeff Urso                                Township Supervisor
Carl Kitzerow                        Committee Person
Kathy Blahunka                   Committee Chair
Michael Machnicki               Township Trustee
Brady Andersen                   Township Trustee
            David Weil                             Township Trustee
            Matt Garrity                           Township Trustee
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call: Supervisor Urso called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. Clerk Grum calls roll and all committee members are present. Trustees Andersen and Machnicki present, Trustees Weil and Garrity absent. Committee Chair Kathy Blahunka and Committee Person Carl Kitzerow present.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Urso led the committee in the Pledge of Allegiance at approximately 5:33 pm.
  3. Public Comment - Three (3) minutes per speaker: None.
  4. Presentation of Committee Report: Supervisor Urso explains that this will be the last Decennial Committee Meeting so this will be an overview of what was discussed for the last 8 months during the meetings:
    1. Roads: We have done many things to address safety in our community like improving drainage, updating our fleet, and installing speed humps.
    2. Waukegan Partnership: Supervisor Urso states that we are most proud of our partnership with Supervisor Jones and he has done a great job offering a closer access point for GA services. This is costing the township less money than hiring full time staff efficiency wise, and senior services are improved.
    3. Input from Counselman Kimzey:
      1. Add to section 4-3B the date of the final meeting as today, Thursday November 14th, 2024.
      2. Add “Abolish Road District” to section 6 – J.
      3. Add “Updated the Township Policies” to section 6-K.
    4. Input from Committee Chair Kathy Blahunka:
      1. Kathy Blahunka inquired regarding the section saying we downsized the staffing to 7 employees; discussion ensued and the committee decided to change the language from 7 office staff to 5 office staff and 2 road district employees.
      2. Kathy Blahunka inquired about phone lines and discussion ensued. Carl Kitzerow explained background regarding comcast internet, cloud services, managed IT services, Bluehost service, and internet security. Discussion ensued. Committee Chair Blahunka wants to know what is out in the cloud that we are paying for and storing. Mrs. Blahunka suggests that we are paying too much for these IT services. Constantine is the IT person and Supervisor Urso suggests that she get in contact with him to help make sure we are only paying for what we need especially in light of her extensive background in IT. Committee Chair Blahunka says that we should be able to explain what we are paying for with taxpayer money.
      3. The committee concluded by amending the Decennial Committee Report to reflect that we updated internet service, but not including the rest of what was written regarding phone lines.
  5. Approval of Committee Report: Supervisor Urso motions to approve the Decennial Committee Report with the changes suggested in the meeting. Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all members are in favor. Motion passes and the Committee Report is approved with changes made.
  6. Survey of Residents in Attendance: None.
  7. Adjournment: Supervisor Urso motions to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Andersen seconds the motion to adjourn and all members are in favor. The meeting is adjourned at 5:56 pm.
Serving our communities since 1850
<![CDATA[nOVEMBER REGULAR BOARD MEETING]]>Thu, 14 Nov 2024 06:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/november-regular-board-meeting-date-change-from-112124-to-111424Notice is hereby given that the November Board Meeting will convene on Thursday November 14, 2024. at the Shields Township Offices Located at 906 Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL.
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday November 14, 2024, at 5:30p.m.
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Approval of Bills
  4. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  5. Reports
  1. Supervisor
  2. Trustees
  3. Assessor's Office
  4. Community Service Committee
  5. Road & Bridge Committee
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2024
  2. Consideration of 2025 Health Insurance and Ancillary Benefits for Full-Time Staff
  3. Estimate of the Levy for Shields Township for Fiscal Year 2025
  4. Acceptance of Quassey Road Extension
  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjournment
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday November 14th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
LAKE COUNTY          )           ss.

THE TOWN BOARD OF SHIELDS TOWNSHIP held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday November 14th, 2024 at 5:45 pm.
                        Lisette Rothing                        Deputy Clerk
                        Vanessa Grum                       Clerk
Jeff Urso                                 Supervisor
Michael Machnicki                  Town Trustee
Brady Andersen                      Town Trustee
Matt Garrity                             Town Trustee
David Weil                               Town Trustee
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call: Supervisor Urso called the meeting to order at 5:57 pm. Clerk Grum took roll call; Trustee Andersen, Trustee Machnicki and Supervisor Urso were present. Trustee Garrity and Trustee Weil were absent. Also in attendance was Administrator Carl Kitzerow, Counselman Kimzey, Deputy Clerk Lisette Rothing, and Clerk Grum.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Urso opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:58 pm.
  3. Ammendment to the Agenda: Supervisor Urso motions to move New Business 7D (Acceptance of Quassey Road Extension) to next on the agenda. Trustee Machnicki seconds the motion and Clerk Grum takes roll call. All are in agreement. Supervisor Urso invites Mr. Merritt to the podium.
  4. New Business:
    1. Acceptance of Quassey Road Extension: Supervisor Urso explains how Mr. Merrit has worked with our road committee and engineers and put a lot of time and money into this project to extend the road on Quassey near his property. The contractor builds the road and then the township adopts the road and assumes responsibility for its upkeep. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all are in agreement to accept this road into Shields Township. Mr. Merritt thanks the board.
  5. Approval of Bills:
    1. Town Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Town Fund expenses in the amount of $107,295.32. Trustee Andersen motioned and Trustee Machnicki seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.       
    2. Road and Bridge Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Road and Bridge Fund expenses in the amount of $31,620.61. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.
    3. General Assistance Fund: The General Assistance fund expenses totaled $0.      
  6. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
    1. Ms. Janice Schnobrich: Ms. Schnobrich comments that she has been attending the Shields Township Meetings for 28 years and within that time, she feels that the meetings have always been contentious and that the Township residents have never elected a competent Supervisor and the Supervisor has never hired a competent Office Manager. She states that most of the work the Township does is outsourced. She states that Shields Township elected officials have been allowed to harass and bully meeting participants in and outside of meetings. She hopes that when the Illinois residents have the opportunity to elect new officials this coming April, they will “get it right” and seat those who really care how taxpayer funds are spent and what services are rendered to those most in need.
    2. Kathy Blahunka: Mrs. Blahunka states that she has a few questions for Supervisor Urso tonight:
      1. When will the FY24 Audited Financial Report get reviewed and approved? – she believes it is overdue.
      2.  Why are we reimbursing volunteers for zoom licensing when the Township paid an annual fee od $319.80?
      3. Does the staff know how to use the plug and play web cameras for zoom that the Township paid for? If so, why are volunteers taping the Monthly Meetings?
      4. Who is using Sharepoint? We paid $5,000 to migrate email and the Fileshare. Why?
      5. What specific Managed IT Services are we paying for and who is using them? She looked to see that the Township is paying $500 a month for this.
      6. Why and who paid half of the bill of $7300 Sonic Wall and Sonic Wave dual bandwidth access point?
      7. In conclusion, she demands answers for the taxpayers regarding the $20,000 for technology she doesn’t believe anyone in the office is using.
  7. Reports
  1. Supervisor: Supervisor Urso thanks Mrs. Blahunka for these questions regarding IT Services and plans to look into them. He confirms that we did approve the Audit last month. He addresses Ms. Schnobrich directly stating that he appreciates her always coming to the meetings. The staff is getting ready to have holiday hours and he will make sure they are posted so that if anyone has more questions, they can call the office at any time. The new truck is being used this year and the Roads Team is getting ready for the snow. He is very proud of his Road Team and Office Team who always wears many hats.
  2. Trustees: None.
  3. Assessor's Office: None.
  4. Community Service Committee: None.
  5. Road & Bridge Committee: None.
  1. Old Business: None.
  2. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2024: Supervisor Urso moves to approve the Regular Meeting Minutes of the Shields Township Board of Trustees from October 17th, 2024. Trustee Machnicki motions to approve and Trustee Andersen seconds the motion. Clerk Grum takes roll and all approve. Motion passes.
  2. Consideration of 2025 Health Insurance and Ancillary Benefits for Full-Time Staff: This item is for discussion only. Per Township Policy, all employees should have the right to access health insurance coverage. Last year, the board approved three different plan options. A final approval of this benefits plan will be presented at the December Board Meeting. Only one staff member uses health insurance.
  3. Estimate of the Levy for Shields Township for Fiscal Year 2025: At the end of the year, the Board of Trustees must determine the annual Tax Levies for the Township. In accordance with Illinois Law, we will consider the Levy tonight,and approve a final Levy Ordinances at the December Meeting. Supervisor Urso asks for a motion to determine the estimate of the Tax Levy for Shields Township for Fiscal Year 2025 as follows:
    1. Town/Corporate Fund in the amount of $1,038,266.
    2. IMRF Fund in the amount of $5,000.
    3. Road and Bridge Fund in the amount of $500,000.
    4. Total Taxes Levied in the amount of $1,543,266.
Trustee Andersen motioned to approve, and Trustee Machnicki seconded the motion. Discussion ensued regarding the percentage of tax levy. Last year it was 3.4 % and there will be an increase at 4.99%. Clerk Grum took roll call, all approved and motion carries.
  1. Executive Session: None.
  2. Adjournment: Supervisor Urso moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:18 pm. Trustee Machnicki motioned to adjourn, and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. All in favor said “I” and the meeting was adjourned.
Serving our communities since 1850
<![CDATA[october regular board meeting]]>Thu, 17 Oct 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/october-regular-board-meeting-agenda7693693Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of The Board of Trustees will be held on Thursday October 17, 2024, at 5:30p.m. at the Shields Township Offices located at 906 Muir Avenue in Lake Bluff. 
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday, October 17, 2024, at 5:30p.m.
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Executive Session
  4. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  5. Approval of Bills
  6. Reports
  1. Supervisor
  2. Trustees
  3. Assessor’s Office
  4. Community Services Committee
  5. Road & Bridge Committee
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2024
  2. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Audit
  3. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Mother’s Trust Foundation
  4. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Dickinson Hall LB/LF Senior Foundation
  5. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Waukegan Township Senior Center
  6. Consideration of November Board Meeting
  1. Adjournment

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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday October 17th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.
LAKE COUNTY          )           ss.

THE TOWN BOARD OF SHIELDS TOWNSHIP held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday October 17th, 2024, at 5:30 pm.
Lisette Rothing                        Deputy Clerk
Vanessa Grum                       Clerk
Jeff Urso                                 Supervisor
Michael Machnicki                  Town Trustee
Brady Andersen                      Town Trustee
Matt Garrity                             Town Trustee
David Weil                               Town Trustee
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call: Supervisor Urso called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. Clerk Grum took roll call; Trustee Andersen, Trustee Machnicki and Supervisor Urso were present. Trustee Garrity and Trustee Weil were absent. Also in attendance was Administrator Carl Kitzerow, Counselman Kimzey via video call, Deputy Clerk Lisette Rothing, and Clerk Grum.
  1. Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Urso opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:30 pm.
  1. Executive Session: Supervisor Urso explained that we will discuss this in his supervisor report later on the agenda.
  1. Public Comment: Three (3) minutes per speaker: Began at approximately 5:32 pm.
    1. Janice Schnobrich: Janice Schnobrich commented that she received the total cost of speed humps from her FOIA request which totaled somewhere in the $57,000 range. She also requested a formal written plan for where these would be placed and did not receive one. She wonders why one doesn’t exist. She also commented that restitution was made regarding the contribution to a friend’s campaign using the Township Credit Card and the funds were reversed but says that the taxpayers have a right to ask why this person is still employed by the Shields Township. She stated that the environmental restoration project has been partially destroyed under the direction of employees of the road service crew and is asking why the supervisor has not taken actions to remediate this issue and restore the area to its initial state. She states that taxpayers have a right to ask WHY the people involved are still employed by Shields Township.
  1. Approval of Bills:
    1. Town Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Town Fund expenses in the amount of $21,813.62. Trustee Andersen motioned and Trustee Machnicki seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.       
    2. General Assistance Fund: The General Assistance fund expenses totaled $0.
    3. Road and Bridge Fund: Supervisor Urso motioned to approve the Road and Bridge Fund expenses in the amount of $5,663.90. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote: Ayes: Trustee Machnicki, Trustee Andersen and Supervisor Urso; Nays: None. Motion carried.       
  1. Reports:
  1. Supervisor’s Report: Supervisor Urso provided an update on the steps the Township has taken since finding out about the improper use of a Township Credit Card by a Township Employee. First, the staff has completed a comprehensive audit of all the Township credit card statements for the past twelve months which revealed no further instances of misuse. Second, several township employees including the one in question has successfully completed a mandatory ethics training focused on the appropriate use of public funds. Third, the Township Attorney has reviewed and made recommendations regarding our policies and practices concerning the use of public funds and these recommendations will be followed going forward to strengthen internal controls. Supervisor Urso thanks the board for addressing this issue thoroughly and swiftly and restates that it is his top priority to ensure that residents receive maximum value for their tax dollars.
  2. Trustees Report: None
  3. Assessor's Office Report: None.
  4. Community Service Committee: None.
  5. Road and Bridge Committee: No formal report given. Supervisor Urso commented that they are getting ready and prepared for the winter. This will be the second season with speed humps, and he anticipates the crew to do just as good of a job as they did with it last year. He thanks his team in this department for their work.
  1. Old Business: None.
  1. New Business:
    1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2024: Trustee Machnicki motioned, and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote. All approved and motion carried.       
    2. Approval of Fiscal Year 2024 Audit: Trustee Andersen motioned, and Trustee Machnicki seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call vote. All approved and motion carried.
    3. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Mother’s Trust Foundation: The information regarding this was sent by Kathy Blahunka. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve the renewal of the grant for $10,000 to Mother’s Trust Foundation. Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Supervisor Urso thanks the Township for this donation. Clerk Grum takes roll call and all approved.
    4. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Dickinson Hall LB/LF Senior Foundation: Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve the renewal of the grant for $10,000 to Dickinson Hall. Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call and all approved.
    5. Approval of Renewal of Grant for Waukegan Township Senior Center: Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve the renewal of the grant for $10,000 to Waukegan Township Senior Center. Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Clerk Grum took roll call and all approved. Supervisor Urso comments that Supervisor Jones has offered many services to seniors of North Chicago which covers the other portion of Shields Township not covered by Dickinson Hall (only District 115). Clerk Grum took roll call and all approved.
    6. Consideration of November Board Meeting: The suggestion was made to move the next scheduled Board Meeting from Thursday November 21st to Thursday November 14th with the Decennial Committee Meeting. All agree and this is approved.
  1. Adjournment: Supervisor Urso moved to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Machnicki motioned to adjourn, and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Roll call vote conducted by Clerk Grum and all approved. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 5:47 pm.
Serving our communities since 1850
<![CDATA[Community Services Committee Meeting]]>Wed, 09 Oct 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/community-services-committee-meeting7608715Notice is hereby given that The Community Services Committe will gather for a meeting on Wednesday October 9 at 5:30pm at the Shields Township Offices Located at 906 Muir Avenue Lake Bluff, IL.
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 Shields Township

906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Special Meeting of Community Services Committee
Notice is hereby given that the first Community Services Committee Meeting has been scheduled Wednesday, Oct 9, 2024, at 5:30 p.m., at the Shields Township Offices, 960 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044, for the purpose of considering the following agenda:

1.)        Call to order and Roll Call
2.)        Approval Meeting Minutes from the Oct 19, 2023, Meeting
3.)        Public Comment – Three (3) Minutes per speaker
4.)        Old Business: 
a.)Review and Recommendation to Approve Renewal of Grant for Mother’s Trust
b.)Review and Recommendation to Approve Renewal of LF/LB Senior Foundation
c.)Review and Recommendation to Approve Renewal of Waukegan Township
5.)        New Business: None
6.)        Adjournment
<![CDATA[September Regular Board Meeting]]>Thu, 19 Sep 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/september-regular-board-meeting-agenda9232891Notice is Hereby given that a Regular Board Meeting will be held on Thursday September 19, 2024, at 5:30pm at the Shields Township Offices 906 Muir Avenue Lake Bluff, IL. 60044.
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5:30p.m.


  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  4. Approval of Bills
  5. Reports
  1. Supervisor
  2. Trustees
  3. Assessor’s Office
  4. Community Services Committee
  5. Road & Bridge Committee
  1. Old Business
  1. Approval of Resolution to Set the Compensation of Elected Township Officials of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois
  2. Approval of Ordinance Regulating Rights-of-Way Under the Jurisdiction of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois
  1. New Business
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 15, 2024
  2. Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Road District Equipment by Public Auction
  3. Award of Contract for Forest View Drive Repaving Project
  1. Executive Session
  2. Adjournment
Serving our communities since 1850


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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Regular Meeting of the Shields Township Board of Trustees
Thursday September 19, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
LAKE COUNTY          )           SS.
THE TOWN BOARD OF SHIELDS TOWNSHIP held its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday September 19, 2024, at 5:30p.m.
Lisette Rothing             Deputy Clerk
Jeff Urso                         Supervisor
Brady Andersen            Town Trustee
Michael Machnicki       Town Trustee
David Weil                      Town Trustee
Vanessa Grum              Clerk
Matt Garrity                  Town Trustee
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call: Supervisor Urso called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: Supervisor Urso led the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 5:33 p.m.
  3. Comment From Supervisor Urso: Supervisor Urso stated that a member of the public brought to his attention that a Township credit card was improperly used by a Township employee. Specifically, the card was used to make a $75 contribution to a local political campaign. Upon learning this matter Supervisor Urso immediately addressed the issue with the employee in question. The employee explained that the charge was made in error and has since reimbursed the Township in full. Supervisor Urso extended his gratitude to the member of the public who brought this issue to light. He also stated that as the Treasurer, he takes his responsibility of public funds very seriously. The misuse of taxpayer dollars, regardless of the amount, is unacceptable. Since Supervisor Urso has taken office, the primary focus is ensuring that the residents of Shields Township receive maximum value for their tax dollars. He knows that the Township has drastically reduced administrative costs while simultaneously enhancing the services provided to our residents. Supervisor Urso has taken immediate and decisive steps to maintain the public’s trust and ensure that such issues do not reoccur. Effective immediately, the following remedial measures have been implemented. There will be a comprehensive audit of all Township credit card statements for the past 12 months. Additionally, all Township employees will undergo mandatory ethic training within the next 90 days. Finally, we have asked the attorney to review the Township’s policies and procedures going forward.
  4. Public Comment: Three (3) minutes per speaker
    1. Janice Schnobrich: Stated on the front page of the Shields Township website, the second paragraph seems to be a mission statement that reads “we are dedicated to meeting the needs of our community in a fiscally sound and responsible manner…”     The Board report for the year end February 29,2024, listed legal fees for the Town, Road and Assessor totaling $145,141.33. The legal fees do not appear to have met any needs of the Shields Township community in a fiscally sound and responsible manner. The Roads report for the year end February 29, 2024, listed the new truck and new golf cart totaling $113,083. Mrs. Schnobrich said she made some FOIA requests on September 8, 2024, one of which concerned the golf cart. The cost of it, who uses is, what is it used for, where it is stored, etc. Mrs. Schnobrich received an invoice for the golf cart and was asked to touch base with Supervisor Urso for any further questions. The golf cart does not appear to meet any needs of the Shields Township community in a fiscally sound and responsible manner. Mrs. Schnobrich stated the other FOIA request involved the cost and placement of speed humps in the Knollwood area. Shields Township gave an extension letter as they needed more time to find and gather all the information responsive to the request. Mrs. Schnobrich stated that she has yet to see any maps or authorization forms for the placement of the humps. The speed bump efforts do not appear to meet any real needs of the community in a fiscally sound and responsible manner. The final FOIA was a request for receipts which the Township needed more time to gather. These things appear to stem from lack of sound accounting practices.
    2. Kathy Blahunka: Stated the Supervisor and Road Representative hired contractors to paint directional arrows on the speed humps in front of Jeff Urso’s neighbor’s house at 9pm on September 4th. It now seems that 4 individuals who have made comments about the Supervisor or Road Representative that they did not like, now have speed humps in front of their homes. Additionally, Mrs. Blahunka urged the Board to not approve the right-of-way ordinance. This might be a potential avenue for bullying. The document needs careful review to assure it is clear to the public prior to approval. How would the Board hold the public accountable if all historical road records were destroyed. If the Township does not have the records, the public should not be responsible for having the record. Mrs. Blahunka also wanted to make sure that everyone is aware that the budget reporting through August show a spend of $8100 through the Township credit card. The charges included items from 3 restaurants, a donation to A Safe Place and a donation to Grum for Lake County, who is a candidate for the Lake County Board. Mrs. Blahunka believed those last two expenditures to be illegal. She also noticed there are office Supplies purchased from various vendors like Target, staples, Ace hardware, Menards, Amazon and Sams Club and Illinois Tollway. Mrs. Blahunka stated as a taxpayer from a municipality whose road funds were reallocated to the Town fund two years in a row, this kind of spending makes her angry. This does not seem responsible use of tax dollars.
    3. Ben Miller: Stated that a ‘no parking sign’ was installed by his residence and said that people still park there, and no law enforcement actions have been taken. Was hoping something could be done about this. Wonders why the Township is not enforcing this.
    4. Janice Aull: Stated she is the one who wrote and managed the $60k foster avenue grant project. On April 22, Earth Day, the Township removed the fencing and ‘no mow’ signs for the Foster Avenue project. At the time, it was said that the Township would not cut down the area. On August 22, the Township cut the full 700 feet of native plants and shrubs. When Mrs. Aull inquired about why the area was cut, the Township lacked any substantial reasoning or proof for the need to cut. Mrs. Aull urged the Board to use their business expertise and common sense when deciding about the right-of-way Ordinance. She is hoping they will identify and discuss the core problem. Determine if the lawyer incorporated the correct laws passed last month by the State of Illinois regarding the use of native plants to support proper stormwater management. Mrs. Aull feels concerned that the current ordinance does not require documented proof like photos, approval from the board or appeal process prior to any action being taken by the Township. Mrs. Aull just wants the Board to be rational with the decision since taxpayers rely on them to shape policies that are fair and equitable to the taxpayer.  
    5. Josh Hucker: Stated that the right-of-way ordinance does not seem to be very clear to the public and is written in a way to benefit Shields Township. Mr. Hucker also talked about the speed humps in the Knollwood neighborhood and how they are inconsistent in height and do not meet ADA standards. Mr. Hucker is looking for transparency and clarity on both matters.
  5. Reports:
    1. Supervisor: Supervisor Urso addressed the public comments first by stating that Roads are not part of any ADA compliance laws as he has mentioned and proven to a different resident in the past. As far as enforcing parking signs, we urge the community to call the Lake County Sheriff if they feel there is a problem there. Supervisor Urso reiterates that we are a responsive community and we do not have our own police department to micromanage these efforts. When it came to striping the speed humps, we use Lake County as they are much more inexpensive. We do not have control on the time frame in which they come out to stripe the humps. They probably come out at the evening hours as a convenience since there tends to be less traffic at the 9pm hour. And finally, Supervisor Urso addressed the concerns that residents had about the Township spending and like he said he will be taking measures to ensure these things do not go unnoticed going forward.
    2. Trustees: No report.
    3. Assessor's Office: No report.
    4. Community Service Committee: No report. Supervisor Urso asked if Committee could investigate the Grants and recommend any renewals to the Board next month.
    5. Road & Bridge Committee: Supervisor Urso stated the Roads Committee had a meeting and unanimously agreed upon the right-of way ordinance to be passed by the Board of Trustees. He also wanted to let the public know that Kimley Horn will be doing some engineering for core samples around the area.
  6. Approval of Bills
    1. Town Fund: Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve the Town Fund for $14,496.28 and Trustee Andersen seconded the motion. Deputy Clerk Rothing took roll call and motion passed.
    2. GA Fund: None
    3. Road & Bridge Fund: Trustee Weil motioned to approve the Road Fund for $26,603.73 and Trustee Machnicki seconded the motion. Deputy Clerk Rothing took roll call and motion passed.
  7. Old Business:
  1. Approval of Resolution to set the Compensation of Elected Township Officials of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois: Supervisor Urso let the public know that every 4 years the Board of Trustees must set the compensation for the next election on April 1, 2025. The Township code requires the Township Board to set the compensation of all Township Officers at least 180 days before the next terms of office. Shields Township presented a compensation that is a flat rate for the first year then the compensation will increase 2% every year after. If the next Supervisor or Assessor decided that they want to be full time, then they are able to trigger health insurance. As for now, Supervisor Urso is part time and will not be receiving health insurance. Supervisor Urso asked if there is a motion to approve resolution NO. 091924-01 as presented. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve, and Trustee Anderson seconded the motion.
  2. Approval of Ordinance Regulating Rights-of-Way under the Jurisdiction of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois: Supervisor Urso stated the draft Ordinance was discussed at the last meeting. Since that time Supervisor Urso met with the Township Attorney to finalize the ordinance, The Road & Bridge Committee has reviewed and approved the document. Finally, we distributed a final draft ordinance to the Board Members to review before the meeting. (A lot of discussion ensues with community members concerns). Supervisor Urso clarified to the community that all the laws on the ordinance are already in place. This Ordinance is to reiterate to the community what things will be enforced when it comes to rights-of-way in the Township. Supervisor Urso stated that we already have the authority to enforce and fine anyone who does not mitigate the problem in a timely manner. This document is simply a way to inform the public of the parameters. Trustee Anderson motioned to approve Ordinance NO. 091924-01 and Trustee Weil seconded the motion.
  1. New Business:
  1. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes of August 15, 2024: Trustee Anderson motioned to approve the minutes as presented. Trustee Weil seconded the motion.
  2. Authorization to Dispose of Surplus Road District Equipment by Public Auction: Supervisor Urso stated that the equipment will be Auctioned off by Obenauf Auction Services, Inc. Things like an old trailer, snowblower and plow will need to go. Trustee Machnicki motioned to approve getting rid of the Road District Surplus by Public Auction. Trustee Weil seconded the motion.
  3. Award of Contract for Forest View Drive Repaving Project: Supervisor Urso stated that Lake County puts out the bid for paving and oversees the entire process. They are extremely professional and always strive to get the best price. Subbing this kind of work out to the County is much more beneficial than hiring a private contractor. Chicagoland Paving Contractors Inc came in with the best bid to pave Forest View Drive at $142,000. Trustee Weil motioned to approve contract and Trustee Anderson seconded the motion.  
  1. Executive session: None
  2. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 6:40p.m.
<![CDATA[Roads Committee Meeting Agenda]]>Wed, 04 Sep 2024 05:00:00 GMThttp://shieldstownship.com/bull-board-meetings/roads-committee-meeting-agenda8420555Notice is hereby given The Road Committee will be having a meeting on Wednesday September 4 at 10am located at the Shields Township Offices 906 Muir Avenue Lake bluff, Illinois
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Shields Township
906 W. Muir Avenue, Lake Bluff, IL 60044
Special Meeting of the Roads Commission Committee  
Wednesday, September 4, 2024 at 10:00a.m.
  1. Call to Order & Roll Call
  2. Approval of April 18, 2024 Roads Committee Meeting Minutes
  3. Public Comment – Three (3) minutes per speaker
  4. Comments from the Supervisor
  5. New Business
  1. Discussion & Recommendation on a Road Bid(s) for Forest View Drainage & Paving
  2. Discussion & Recommendation of Road Department Surplus Equipment
  3. Discussion & Consideration of Ordinance NO. 081524-01, An Ordinance Regulating Rights-of-Way Under the Jurisdiction of Shields Township, Lake County, Illinois
  1. Old Business
  1. Update on Starbucks
  2. Update on Camera System for Road District Building & Township Building
  1. Non-Agenda Items
  2. Adjournment 

Serving our communities since 1850